Annual Wellness Visit

Praxis Annual Wellness Visit

Annual Wellness Visit (Physical Exam)

Your annual wellness visit will be performed by Dr. Murray and she will give you a complete picture of your health and what you need to do to be healthier.

This comprehensive, individualized assessment provides an annual roadmap to improved health and wellness. It is also the gateway for our patients to access specialized programs designed for those who need more focused care coordination resources

Steps of the Annual Wellness Visit:

1. Medical History

During the first part of your visit Dr. Murray will begin with the simplest step: she'll ask you how you've been feeling. During this time together, she'll also discuss your dietary and exercise routines as well as any negative habits you may have such as smoking. She'll also review your immunization records to ensure that you are current on all of your vaccinations.

2. Physical Examination

She will check your height, weight, and blood pressure. She will also listen to your heart and lungs.

3. Laboratory Test

This will include thyroid disorders, infection parameters, liver, kidney, electrolytes, cholesterol levels, blood coagulation factors, complete blood count, and others if indicated.

4. 12-channel ECG

5. Ultrasound of the Heart

6. Ultrasound of the Carotid Arteries

7. Abdominal Sonography

8. Lung Function Testing

9. Exercise-ECG or Exercise Ultrasound of the Heart

10. Ultrasound of the Thyroid Gland

11. Oxygen Measurement in the Blood

12. Detailed Explanation of all Results

These steps can vary for each patient and are individualized for your need. Your annual wellness visit is crucial to detecting early symptoms of a disease.

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